Thursday, August 13, 2009

Life With Asha :)

My sweet, precious daughter Asha Rafel entered the literal world on November 2/08 - what a gem she is! There has never been a dull moment since she joined our family. Now at 9 months old, Asha is crawling (more commando style but working very hard to get up onto her knees!), eating all different types of food, napping, playing, watching her Your Baby Can Read! DVD. And let me tell you - I have never seen anything that will actually hold a 9 month olds attention span like this - 22 whole minutes! Fantastic program and she literally lights up when it begins :) It is not about creating a brain child or anything, just making sure she gets the best start possible with learning to read and recognise new words!

The picture to the right is of Asha's very first plane ride! Of course just for a laugh, Troy had to put Asha in the overhead compartment to give everyone a laugh... and a good photo op! On my birthday this past June, we flew over east to Melbourne for a week holiday. We had such a blast and Asha was a real pleasure to travel with, she adjusted well and the airplane trips went surprisingly well - I guess we always think (and prepare ourselves) for the worst and are completely shocked when the opposite happens!

Have a look at all of the yummy pastries! Melbourne was a serious pastry binge, love 'em :) I have been working so hard and have had great success shedding all of my baby weight (and then some), so I deserved it and fully enjoyed! Lots of great food and sights in Melbourne.

Out one evening somewhere in the streets of Melbourne, just love this picture of my two favorite people! See the resemblance?

Now when we got home we seriously charged into the solid food thing - well not forcing it or anything, but offering several times a day and letting Asha feed herself, with lots of help from my Mum while she was here in the month of July :) She is getting there, but she is a breastfed baby through and through! I am amazed at how quickly it does start to come together - she loves avocados, beets, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, bananas the best!

Some days, ecspecially at the start of all of this food business, I just thought "Oh it's just too hard! SO much easier to pop her on the breast!" But the day will soon come when she is eating pretty much everything we are eating, just live in the moment and enjoy I remind myself often!


karendivenanzo said...

Hi Jenn,
You are absolutely amazing! Ilove reading about what you are up to and seeing your little bundle of joy grow up so fast. She is adorable!
Hugs and kisses to you!

karendivenanzo said...

Hi Jenn,
I love reading about you and what you are up to. You are absolutely amazing! Your family is beautiful

hugs and kisses
Karen :)

Jenn Rankin said...

Thanks Karen!
You are quite amazing yourself :)
Love you ~ Jenn & Asha xoxo